Youth Ministry at Beresford Zion UMC
YOUTH GROUP Wednesday from 6:30-9:00 PM during the school year
Special event schedule coming soon
Welcome to Youth Ministry at Beresford Zion United Methodist Church
YOUTH GROUP – Our 6th-12th grade you are invited to join us each Wednesday in the youth room at 6:30 PM for food, games, and fun. We will begin with a meal at 6:30 followed by programming from 7-8:30 PM and some free time until 9 PM. Come and grow in your faith, in your relationship with God, and participate in opportunities to love God and love your neighbor. At BZYM all are welcome, all will be treated well, and all will know that Jesus loves them.
In addition to weekly youth group we will also engage in special events such as lock-ins, weekend retreats, progressive dinner, pumpkin olymics, trunk or treat, and more as well as serve at church events like the potato feed and roast beef dinner. Next summer the fun will contiune with mission trips and opportunties to attend camp. This is a great time to join BZYM and to see what great things are possible when we folllow God together.
Register for Youth Ministry – You are invited to sign up for our Youth Ministry programming for youth in 6th through 12th grade.
We will have overnight and off-campus events throughout the year. This form will be required for youth to attend those events and will be in effect for all events from Sept 2022 through Aug 2023
Get Remind Updates
Remind is a program that allows us to send you text updates about youth group and links for information about events and activities. All youth 6th-12th grade as encouraged to sign up as well as their parents/guardians.
Remind is a program that allows us to send you text updates about youth group and links for information about events and activities. All youth 6th-12th grade as encouraged to sign up as well as their parents/guardians.
To sign up text @bziony to the number 81010
You should receive a welcome text from Remind. If you have trouble with 81010, you can try texting @bziony to (571) 364-6571
You do NOT need to download the app. If you reply to these messages, they will go directly to Pastor John.